My Thoughts on the Roe V. Wade Overturning

I sat down 30 minutes ago only to make a note that would remind me of the date that Roe V. Wade was overturned.  One thing turned into another and…voila!  I don’t follow politics except as far as they bear on the moral and ethical issues of life and faith. This supreme court decision has a humongous bearing on both. And so, this is not a political article.  I thought I would share a few points of reasoning on the abortion topic, and maybe others will benefit from this.

1. The overturning of Roe V. Wade does not mean that abortion has been made illegal in America; this most recent ruling has only relegated abortion legislation to each state’s decree. BUT that still means that millions of babies will be saved just by this fact alone.  Because of this fact, June 24th, 2022 will go down as one of the greatest days in American history.  Many have already called this day dark and oppressive.  But for those people with any kind of soul, this truly is a momentous day.  I woke up this morning and prayed singularly about this event and made many thanksgivings to God for the victory that was won for innocent lives.

2. Now, getting down to abortion arguments themselves.  The Pro-choice argument is built on rhetorical hijacking. Pro-choicers use rhetoric that tries to make the issue sound like it’s about denying women the right to “health care” or “reproductive health” and the right to choose what they do with their own bodies. This is a diversion tactic. This is a lie. The same tactic is used by proponents of critical race theory, transgender theory, and many other immoral theories to divert from the real issue. This tactic attempts to take attention off the fact that abortion denies the baby in the womb (not the woman’s “tissue”) the right to continue living. It denies the baby in the womb the availability to health care of any kind. Pro-choice vocabulary is completely about self-centered, human satisfaction at the cost of other human life. Do those who believe a woman should “have the right to choose” what she does with her body believe that other women should “have the right to choose” whether or not they own a gun? I’m opening up a land mine by bringing in the gun issue. For clarification, I don’t have a dog in the gun control fight. I only bring this last point up to expose the hypocrisy at large and uncover the real issue. It’s not about a woman’s right to choose. It’s about how your choice effects other innocent, human lives. People understand this without difficulty when someone makes the choice to take a gun and kill a dozen innocent human lives who are 8 years outside the womb. When that happens, no one is arguing for the murderer’s right to choose anything. In these moments of lucidity, even Pro-choice advocates are right. Murder is not about anyone’s right to choose anything.

3. The last sentence leads nicely into my next point: the debate over abortion is unequivocally a debate over 1st degree murder of human life. Call it murder. Don’t call it abortion. When someone asks you why you don’t believe in abortion, clarify the issue by calling it what it is: murder. Pro-choice is really Pro-murder.

4. The Pro-choice argument claims to support “women’s rights,” but this is completely hypocritical as the only women that the pro-choice position actually lobbies for are those women that are outside the womb and of reproductive maturity. It cares absolutely nothing at all for those women who are 5 weeks, 20 weeks, or 37 weeks old. No, those girl’s (future women) rights don’t matter according to the Pro-choice argument.

5. Now for a quotation from President Ronald Reagan on the abortion issue that clarifies the hypocrisy of the Pro-choice argument. Reagan is quoted as saying, “I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”  That’s interesting enough.  No need to elaborate here.  Abortion theory is purely hypocritical.

6. What is a person?  Matt Walsh recently made a documentary exposing transgender theory called “What Is a Woman?”  I highly recommend everyone watch it.  The basic premise of his work rests on the simple fact that transgender advocates can’t even define what a woman is.  They advocate for men becoming women and women becoming men, but they can’t define the very thing that men are supposedly becoming when they castrate themselves and put on a dress.  The monotony and sheer stupidity of the transgender argument is relegated to melted ice with a simple question.  I was listening to Matt Walsh’s latest podcast this morning about the Roe V. Wade overturning and he made the same point about the abortion argument.  To call the point he made “brilliant” makes the argument sound more sophisticated than it is, but just the same, the point is brilliant.  The point is this: the Pro-choice argument hinges on the fact that a baby inside the womb (developmental stage varying based on who you’re talking to) isn’t actually a person.  And so the question becomes, “What is a person?”  And they can’t answer this simple question.  Why?  Because their argument is built on a house of lies as the Elf (played by Will Farrell) tells the fake Santa in Santa’s Workshop of Manhattan.  The Elf goes on to tell Santa that he smells like beef and cheese.  Cross apply all arguments as you will.  If you can’t even define what a person is, then how are you okay with exterminating something that you’re not even sure whether or not it’s a person.  Ray Comfort uses this last argument brilliantly in his FREE YouTube movie called “180.”  I highly recommend watching this movie as well.

7. Finally, God sees the blood of the innocent (2 Kings 9:7; 2 Kings 9:26; Exodus 3:7; Matthew 2:16-18; Matthew 25:40; Luke 18:6-8; Revelation 6:9-11).  And He will repay wicked men and women.  There is no doubt.  There are some individuals who claim to be Pro-choice that are simply carried up in the cultural current, are naïve, and they have hope.  You don’t know who these individuals are until you talk to people and find out.  Reason with these people.  Lead them to the truth.  As for those whose wickedness is deeply engrained and they are bent on destruction, Psalm 64 has something to say.  

1 God, hear my voice when I am in anguish.
Protect my life from the terror of the enemy.
2 Hide me from the scheming of wicked people,
from the mob of evildoers,
3 who sharpen their tongues like swords
and aim bitter words like arrows,
4 shooting from concealed places at the blameless.
They shoot at him suddenly and are not afraid.
5 They adopt an evil plan;
they talk about hiding traps and say,
“Who will see them?”

7 But God will shoot them with arrows;
suddenly, they will be wounded.
8 They will be made to stumble;
their own tongues work against them.
All who see them will shake their heads.
9 Then everyone will fear
and will tell about God’s work,
for they will understand what he has done.

10 The righteous one rejoices in the Lord
and takes refuge in him;
all those who are upright in heart
will offer praise. (CSB)

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