Reason #1, The Affairs of this World Social justice is defined by toppling systems deemed to be oppressive and hindering identity groups based on race, gender, and sexual orientation from achieving economic, social, and political equity. This struggle involves revolution against government and other institutions including the church. Speaking evil of dignities, violence against …
If you like plot twists and things that aren’t what they appear at first sight, you will like this little read. Over the years of Bible study, I am periodically reminded that God has a sense of humor. Specifically, God has a knack for irony. Irony a state of affairs or an event that seems …
I had originally finished this series on How to Identify the Church some months ago, but just the other day I came across a very helpful table that clarifies the subject of the church tremendously. In Lesson 13 the church of Christ was spoken of in terms of a local group of Christians who function according …