I had originally finished this series on How to Identify the Church some months ago, but just the other day I came across a very helpful table that clarifies the subject of the church tremendously. In Lesson 13 the church of Christ was spoken of in terms of a local group of Christians who function according …
What follows is a brief I wrote originally in February 2018 before I started preaching full time. At that time I was observing the preacher at my home congregation and others across the country who labored with more criticism than thanksgiving. I have personally been greatly encouraged by friends and fellow Christians since beginning to …
Nobody is perfect. People use this phrase now’a’days about as much as table salt, butter, and essential oils. You are feeling guilty about your apathy as a Christian? No worries. There is always someone handy to reassure you with the words, “No one is perfect.” At the thought of these words, the guilt slips …